
Our team has extensive experience in the delivery of airport projects around Australia which affords onemilegrid in-depth knowledge in providing tailored traffic engineering services.

We understand the importance of working closely with other consultants during the design development stage of projects to offer practical and innovative design solutions.

We strive to exceed client’s expectations and work collaboratively with clients and stakeholders to achieve the most appropriate, practical and cost-effective outcomes.

We are mindful that airport operations be considered as part of the design process and provide design advice that ensures minimal impact on day to day operations.

Our staff are ASIC (Aviation Security Identification Card) accredited, allowing them to undertake work within secure areas of airports without supervision.


Our extensive experience enables our team to draw upon their specialist traffic engineering skills including:

  • Road design
  • Bus facilities
  • Taxi rank design and operation
  • Public parking and access design
  • Baggage handling area traffic management
  • Traffic engineering safety assessments
  • Airport traffic planning and analysis
  • Construction stage traffic management

Project Experience

The onemilegrid team has played a leading role in the following projects:

  • Sydney International Airport
    Taxi Rank Conceptual Redesign
  • Sydney Domestic Airport T3
    Taxi Rank Detailed Functional Design and Detailed Design Documentation
  • Sydney Domestic Terminal T3
    Qantas Check Bag Screen Project
  • Brisbane International Airport
    Baggage Handling Area Traffic Management
  • Perth Domestic Terminal
    Baggage Handling Area Expansion Project
  • Melbourne Domestic Airport
    Wide Body Project, Northern GSE Relocation
  • Canberra MUIT Airport
    General Airside Traffic Management Review
  • Sydney Airport Qantas Domestic Terminal T3
    Seamless Transfer Relocation
  • Sydney International Airport
    Seamless Transfer Bus Terminal and Baggage Handling Area Traffic Management Review
  • Qantas Corporate Buildings, Mascot
    Car Park Accessibility and Pedestrian Safety Review